Hello fellow bardo traveller
Participating in the offerings of the Institute can be nothing short of totally life-changing, and for some, it is finally finding and coming home to your path and soul group. The live events are accessible, they are deeply nourishing and there is opportunity for questions. This page is our attempt to make it easy for you to contribute to the many work projects that E.J. Gold and everyone at the Institute are offering. It is good to stay karmically clean and clear.
ICW – Interdimensional Communications Workshop
Each Saturday and Sunday, the ICW is broadcast live from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. PST. Visit the ICW event in livestream.com for archives. E.J. Gold and Claude Needham cover a wide range of topics in the
area of transformation. This workshop’s tuition is $25. For special arrangements and scholarships, please contact us at 530-271-2239, or you can use this handy contact form.
Ashram Parcel
Use this button for your Prosperity Ashram Parcel. That is the place where you can build your own home or shop. Please contact us to find out more about the Ashram Parcels at
530-271-2239, or with this handy contact form.
Bardo Safaris
Online Bardo Safari fees are $25 per person per 2-hour safari; Engaging in this particular event will give you the most bardo skills in the least amount of time possible. Please contact us for special arrangements or scholarships at 530-271-2239, or you can use this handy contact form.
E.J. Gold’s Art Classes
Suggested amount for E.J.’s art classes is $15. E.J. makes this a fun and often surprising voyage into the realms of creativity. He seems to have a special talent for bringing out the artist in you. “You Can Paint”
is not about ability, but about permission.
E.J. Gold says that money should never be standing in the way of your participation in any IDHHB event. Clarity in communication is not only important in itself, you also do want to be free of karmic debt. Please contact us for any special arrangements or scholarships. You may call us at 530-271-2239 – or use this handy contact form.
Gratitude for all the Free Offerings, Inspiration & Guidance
IDHHB offers many daily and weekly fabulous, helpful or simply inspiring and sustaining events and services, which carry no charge – see the ones on gorebaggtv here. It is so nice to have a way to show the gratitude we feel and at the same time, keep the Institute humming and help the community grow.
Here is one very appreciative way to do it by using this general contribution button and contributing. Your offering will go to support all of the many things done by E. J. Gold and other IDHHB members .
You can see the daily schedule of events here on the prosperity Path Forum.
For free events on gorebaggtv, please click here.
Your participation is one of the greatest gifts you can bring. We are excited to be offering all the tools for transformation that E.J. Gold has developed over the many years and to continue building a world community together – for the benefit of all beings everywhere. The opportunity, through modern technology, to work together during the daily live gatherings, is precious indeed. We invite you to browse this site and check out the many offerings from IDHHB. Thing are always happening. Here is a link to the event schedule page: http://idhhb.com/stream/schedule.html.